Message from the Chair
Welcome to the website of the English Department at the Hebrew University. If you are interested in studying literature in English, this is the place for you. I hope by this brief introductory letter to give you a sense of what the department has to offer...
The English Department at the Hebrew University offers a prestigious international programme for the study of literature in English. Our focus is on the British and American traditions supplemented by insights into South African, Canadian and Irish literatures. We pride ourselves on the high level of our Seminars and on the international reputation of our researchers.
Shakespeare International Summer School
The English Department at the Hebrew University offers its students an opportunity to participate in a new summer course on Shakespeare in Verona, Italy. Hosted by the Skenè Research Centre, Verona, this exciting initiative will approach Shakespeare from a double perspective that integrates source studies and performance studies. This year, the course will be devoted to The Comedy of Errors and Twelfth Night.